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Uso de non-epileptic seizure en inglés
The mother-of-two was diagnosed with PTSD and non-epilepticseizure disorder in 2008.
However, she was diagnosed with PTSD and non-epilepticseizure disorder.
But the publicist did confirm that the Grammy winner suffered a non-epilepticseizure on August 9 in Los Angeles.
Fragmented seizure dynamics, with fluctuating course, previously described as a hallmark in patients with psychogenic non-epilepticseizures, can occur in rolandic seizures.
Startle disease is an inherited neurological disorder that causes affected individuals to suffer noise- or touch-induced non-epilepticseizures, excessive muscle stiffness and neonatal apnea episodes.
The 16-year-old regularly suffers non-epilepticseizures that can last three-and-a-half hours, with many sufferers describing the debilitating disease as feeling "eternally on fire".